Let's start a conversation

Are you feeling the pinch of the cost of living crisis? Inflation is predicted to hit 10% this year and we understand that some people’s take-home pay just isn’t going as far as it used to.

From the weekly food shop to rising energy bills, it’s those on lower incomes who are affected the most.

Our services are delivered by people who care and our customer income advisors are here to offer solutions, advice and support through this challenging time.

This is a new web page and we would love to hear your feedback. Please take the time to answer the below questions. All of your feedback will be taken on board and where appropriate, changes will be made to the page to give you the best possible customer experience.

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* 1. Are you a Beyond Housing customer? 

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* 2. Please rate the following:

  Strongly agree  Agree  Neither agree nor disagree  Disagree  Strongly disagree 
The page was easy to find 
The layout and design of the page is welcoming 
The content is informative 
Is it clear what help and support is available 
The form on the web page was easy to use
I know who to contact if I need support

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* 3. How did you find the web page?

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* 4. Would you like to make any suggestions for improvement or provide any further feedback about the web page?