What are your thoughts on our products and service?

We're always working hard to make our service better, and since you have been working with us for a while, we would like your thoughts. This survey should take no more than five minutes to complete and we've kept it as simple as possible. Your feedback is highly valued and will help us to continue to improve our products, services and customer experience.
Participation is voluntary and all feedback is strictly confidential and never shared with third parties. Upon completion, valid respondents will receive a 5% discount code to use on your next shop with us.
Please answer the questions to the best of your ability, based on your personal experiences and opinions.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Which category best describes your business?

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* 3. How often do you buy or replenish your ingredients from Logic Vending?

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* 4. Which of our online store products are most valuable to you?

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* 5. Are there any products which we don't currently provide which you need? If not, please type 'No' in the box.

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* 6. Following on from the previous question, what category would the product(s) we don't supply be categorised?

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* 7. How would you rate the following service points provided by Logic Vending?

  Unsatisfactory Passable Good Above average Excellent
Customer service
Quality of products
Delivery times
Delivery price
Product range

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* 8. Do you currently buy our Kokebi Coffee?

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* 9. Which of our Kokebi Coffee blends is your favourite?

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* 10. Why is that your preferred blend?

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* 11. How would you scale the following on importance when it comes to choosing coffee?

  Less Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important Fundamental
Roast Type/Flavour 
Espresso versatility

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* 12. How would you rank the following in respect of our own brand of Kokebi Coffee from most to least?

  Needs Improvement Not Bad Good Very Good Extremely Good
Variety of blends

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* 13. What roast of coffee is your favourite?

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* 14. What is your favourite brand of Tea?

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* 15. Is there anything we could offer, which we currently don't provide, or do better at?

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* 16. If we could help solve your greatest business challenges in respect of your catering solution, what would that be?