Please help us to help you, by providing some information to help us shape the NEAA Trade Group.

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* 1. Provide your details...

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* 2. Which of the following markets are you interested in exploring/supplying? (please rate in order of priority - 1 being highest)

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* 3. What % of your sales are in Europe/Rest of World/UK.

  0% Up to 10% Between 10-25% Between 25-50% Between 50-75% Over 75%
Rest of World

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* 4. Do you have a future strategy in place to change your current % of sales previously outlined?

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* 5. Are you planning on attending any Virtual Exhibitions / Exhibitions in 2023-24?

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* 6. What Virtual Exhibitions / Exhibitions are you planning on attending?

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* 7. Have you benefited from any of the NEAA Trade Group activities between 2020-2023?

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* 8. What aspects of the NEAA Trade Group have you found of benefit? (select all that apply)

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* 9. How can we improve the NEAA Trade Group moving forward?

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* 10. Would you like to see any of the following at future meetings? (tick all that apply)

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* 11. What should the objectives and goals of the NEAA Trade Group be for the next 24 months?

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* 12. Please provide any additional comments if you wish to add to your feedback.