PCHA Tenant Engagement Survey Welcome to PCHA's tenant engagement survey! We'd love to know if you're interested in getting more involved with PCHA and events that we organise in the local community. Please answer the following four questions. OK Question Title * 1. Are you interested in attending any of the following? (Tick as many as you wish.) Fun days / community events Open days at our office Informal workshops (on topics such as interview skills, CV writing or stress management) Talks from a local expert (e.g. on knife crime) 'Surgeries' with our Housing team - your opportunity to ask questions or advice Scrutiny Panel - scrutinising PCHA's performance Focus Groups - looking at particular area of PCHA's work Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. We would like to get your opinion on PCHA's service and policies. Please tick if you would like to be consulted on: Our repairs service Our customer service Our policies (e.g. our complaints policy) Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. If you would like to engage more with PCHA, how would you like to do this? In person (individually) In person (meetings/ workshops etc) Phone Email Text Facebook Online surveys Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. If you have any other comments or ideas for events, workshops or other ways to get involved, please let us know here. OK DONE