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It has been 12 months since we first conducted our 'State of Dentistry' white paper report, and in that time the world we live in has faced unprecedented times that have changed the way we live and work.  The world of dentistry has had to transform the way it operates, creating challenges that no one could have ever foreseen.

We have decided to go ahead with our annual survey of Principal Dentists, Practice Owners, Dentists and Practice Managers to assess how they work, what pressures they face, how they are coping, and what plans they have in store for the future as we work to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

As a thank you for your participation you will be entered into a prize draw. The first completed survey chosen at random will receive a £100 Amazon voucher (No cash alternative and non transferable).  Closes 11th December 2020.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last name

Question Title

* 3. Practice Name

Question Title

* 4. Position  / Job Title

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* 5. Email

Question Title

* 6. Telephone

Question Title

* 7. I consent to be contacted by Dentally for sales and marketing purposes.

Question Title

* 8. I consent to being contacted by Dentally in relation to this survey and in the future for a follow up to this report.

Question Title

* 9. Please state the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
On average, I find I have to work more hours than I have in the past for the same income
I receive recognition for the work I do
The NHS is making it easier to deliver care at the point of need than in the past
COVID-19 has meant my team is harder to manage as some staff members are not on site in the practice
COVID-19 has made it even harder to make a good income out of dentistry with a squeeze on incomes and increasing burden of administration
I face more pressures on my time at work than I did in the past
My job gives me the chance to do challenging and interesting work
During COVID-19 I have received the support I need from my Practice Management software
I would benefit and be happier if I was able to work more flexibly, for example technology enabling me to do administration away from the office
Running a Dentistry practice is becoming easier and more profitable than it used to be
Technology is making it easier to delivery quality patient care
I had good support from the NHS during COVID-19
In general, Dentistry is becoming a better and more profitable profession over time
Practice management business practices are outdated and need an overhaul
Technology is making it easier to manage my practice

Question Title

* 10. Of the following activities, which take up too much time and resource and which do not get the time and resource spent on them that they deserve? 

  Far too little time Too little time  About the right amount of time Too much time  Far too much time N/A
Patient care and time at the chair
Retaining customers
Learning and training
IT administration
NHS reporting and administration
Business administration
Marketing your business
Innovating and improving your practice
Time in the practice/office

Question Title

* 11. In my opinion, my level of satisfaction with the following aspects of the Dental Industry are:

  Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied No opinion Satisfied Very satisfied
My work/professional satisfaction
Time spent on marketing and promoting my practice
My optimism for the future of Dentistry
State of Dentistry in the UK right now
Time I spend on managing NHS administration
The future of my level of income
Time spent on clinical vs non-clinical work
Time I spend on practice management
Work/life balance
Time spent on learning and education
Time I get to spend on patient care
Working hours

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* 12. What would you like to see from your Practice Management Software in the future?

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* 13. Do you believe cloud technology can make life for you and your practice easier for the future in light of the pandemic?

0 of 13 answered