This training is for teachers who intend to submit a CCGL grant application either as a cluster lead school or for teachers who intend to submit a CCGL grant application as an individual school.  The next application deadlines are 27th January and 23rd March respectively.  Sub-cover of £150 is available to one teacher only per grant application and will be paid after the grant application has been submitted. The training will take place on Tuesday 14th January 2020 (9.30am - 4.00pm), in the Play Resource Centre, North City Business Centre, 2 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast BT15 2GG.

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* 1. By sharing your personal data with us, you do so under the terms of our privacy policy which is available on our website. Please tick the box to indicate you are in agreement with this.

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* 2. Name of School (if applying as a cluster lead please state here)

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* 3. Town, city or village

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* 4. Postcode

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* 5. Name of teacher attending (if cluster lead teacher please state here)

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* 6. Job title

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* 7. Email (please double check for accuracy as event details will be sent to the address provided)

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* 8. If you are a cluster lead school, please list the names of all local 'partner' schools in your cluster i.e. other schools in the cluster who have/ will have an international partner school. There must be a minimum of one partner school and one lead school in the cluster.

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* 9. If you are a cluster lead school, please list the names of all local 'network' schools in your cluster i.e. those schools who will engage in the cluster but who do not have their own international partner school.

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* 10. If known, which country (or countries) does your school/cluster intend to be partnered with?