Welcome to this week's national vote for Primary schools! This page is designed so if you are at home at the moment you can still have a vote on the topic you have been talking about with friends & family. We are excited to hear what you think...

Question Title

* 1. What is the name of your school?

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* 2. Which school year are you in?

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* 3. Are you a boy or a girl?

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* 4. The question this week is "Could you be a first settler on Mars?" Choose Yes or No, just like you would at school!

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* 5. Please use this box to share your thoughts on the topic (you can ask a parent or caregiver to help you!).

Question Title

* 6. Pick a picture below to show how you're feeling about your home learning this week.

We know working from home is hard at the moment, so please contact your teacher or a trusted adult if you are worried about anything.