If you would like to recognise an individual or collective success from within the APM volunteer community, please submit your nomination by providing the following information.

Please complete one nomination per survey submission. This URL link can be reused for multiple nomination entries.

Please note that the closing date and time to submit your nomination is 5pm BST, 2 April 2025.

Thank you for submitting your nomination.

Question Title

* 2. Please provide the name of the individual nominee or the nominee group name (e.g. Regional/Interest Network) plus list the individual volunteers leading the group nomination:

Question Title

* 3. Please provide the email address(s) for the individual nominee(s) named above:

Question Title

* 4. Please enter a summary of the nominee’s achievements, including a description of any specific activity:
For events please provide the title, location, date, and other relevant information.
This should be no longer than 500 words.

Question Title

* 5. As the proposer please enter your details here:

Thank you for your nomination