Devon Harvest Mouse project survey, 2022/3 season Question Title * 1. Name of recorder: OK Question Title * 2. How many people took part in the survey? OK Question Title * 3. How long did you look for? (In minutes) OK Question Title * 4. Date of survey: Date / Time Date OK Question Title * 5. Where did you do your survey/find a nest? Site name County Grid reference, or What3Words reference (postcodes can be used if necessary) OK Question Title * 6. Did you do your nest hunt on land belonging to: Devon Wildlife Trust South West Lakes Trust The National Trust none of the above Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. Where did you look? Field Edge Footpath Field Roadside Verge Hedgerow Reedbed Cereals Rough Grassland Reedy ditch Saltmarsh Bramble Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 8. How many nests did you find? (Even knowing you didn't find any is really helpful!) OK Question Title * 9. How wide was the nest (what was the diameter) in cm?If you found more than one nest, please fill in all the relevant boxes or leave a message in the comment box. 3cm 4cm 5cm 6cm 7cm 8cm 9cm 10cm 11cm 12cm 13cm 14cm 15cm If more than one nest was the same diameter, please leave a comment here. OK Question Title * 10. How high above the ground was the nest? On the ground In the base of the plant 10-20cm high 20-30cm high 30-40cm high 40-50cm high more than 50cm above ground OK Question Title * 11. How long was it before you found your first nest on this survey? Less than 5 minutes 5-10 minutes 11-20 minutes 21-30 minutes 31-40 minutes 41-50 minutes 51-60 minutes More than an hour I didn't find a nest It was a chance find OK Question Title * 12. What colour was the nest? green brown mostly brown with a few green bits OK Question Title * 13. Did you gently squeeze the nest? (Don't if it is a green nest-there may be babies still inside!) Yes-it felt slightly squeezy Yes-it felt very solid No OK Question Title * 14. What plant was the nest concealed in? Tall grass Cocksfoot grass Molinia/Purple moor grass Phragmites/reeds Bramble Rushes Crocosmia Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 15. How far was the nest from the nearest water? (It might help to look at a map if you are not sure.) within 5 metres 5-10 metres away 10-25 metres away 25-100m more than 100m away Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 16. Did you take a photo of the nest? And are you happy for us to contact you about it? If you're not already on the mailing list there is also an option to be added on. Your details will only be used for the Devon harvest mouse project. You can select as many options as necessary. Yes-I took a photo of the nest/s and am happy to be contacted about it I'd like to be added to the project's mailing list. No, I didn't take a photo No, please don't contact me Email address OK DONE