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Impact of Covid on Assistive Technology Provision and Services - The Technology User Perspective
Section 1 Introduction
The Study:
The aim is to determine good practice in assistive technology (AT) (service) provision in response to significant changes and to make recommendations to guide planning and design of AT services for the future. We will do this by studying end-users’ experiences of AT provision, any changes in your experiences due to Covid and your recommendations for good practice. A companion survey will investigate the experiences and perspective of AT (service) providers.
Procedures, confidentiality and anonymity:
The questionnaire has four parts. You can complete it in 15-20 minutes and do so anonymously. It is completely confidential and only the researchers will see the responses. We will be producing a publicly available report. We may make presentations to stakeholders and submit our results to an academic journal. We will only publish statistical data and anonymised comments which ensure no-one can identify you.
Voluntary participation:
Completing the questionnaire is completely voluntary. You can decide not to reply to one or more questions and to submit a partially complete questionnaire.
Benefits and risks:
Your responses will help us understand how AT provision has changed due to Covid. They will also help us draw conclusions and make recommendations to AT (service) providers about good practice in the face of significant changes. We believe that there are no risks in participating.
Ethical approval:
We have received ethical approval from the Ethics Committee of the College of Science and Engineering of the University of Glasgow.
We are Marion Hersh (University of Glasgow, Scotland), David Banes (Access and Inclusion Services Ltd, England), Claudia Salatino (IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, Italy), Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf (Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe), Silvio Pagliara (University of Warwick, England), Riccardo Magni (COAT onlus, Italy) and E.A. Draffan (University of Southampton, England).
Further information:
Please contact us if you have questions, would like further information about our research or a copy of our published results. We will store the contact addresses separately from the results.
Researchers: We are Marion Hersh (University of Glasgow, Scotland), David Banes (Access and Inclusion Services Ltd, England), Claudia Salatino (IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, Italy), Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf (Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe), Silvio Pagliara (University of Warwick, England), Riccardo Magni (COAT onlus, Italy) and E.A. Draffan (University of Southampton, England).