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Axios|SurveyMonkey poll: Clubhouse, NFTs, SPACs

Axios|SurveyMonkey poll: Clubhouse, NFTs, SPACs

Close to half of young adults in a new Axios|SurveyMonkey poll say they've heard at least a little bit about Clubhouse: 7% of 18-34 year-olds have heard “a lot,” 16% have heard “some,” and 20% have heard “not much.” Clubhouse’s awareness is particularly high among Blacks, 10% of whom have heard “a lot,” 14% of whom have heard “some,” and 22% of whom have heard “not much” about the service. Young adults of color are the most likely to have heard of Clubhouse.

Among those who have heard of Clubhouse, 46% have favorable and 44% have unfavorable views. Young adults have the most favorable views of the platform (55% favorable, 39% unfavorable), with opinions more consistent across all race groups.

All in all, 21% of those who have heard of Clubhouse (7% of people overall) have used the platform to listen to content. Among those who have, 86% view it favorably, and just 10% view it unfavorably.


Clubhouse users value it the most for its diversity and quality of discussions, its exclusivity, and its novelty. Men vs. women, and white vs. people of color express very similar views on what makes Clubhouse an appealing content platform.

Clubhouse vs. Everyone

A majority of people familiar with Clubhouse say the start-up is likely to become a serious competitor for the big social media companies like Facebook and Twitter (54%) as well as podcasts and streaming audio services, such as Spotify (52%). 

But Clubhouse users are even more likely to anticipate Clubhouse will become a powerhouse, and in their view it has a better chance as a competitor to Spotify than to Facebook and Twitter. Eight in 10 Clubhouse users (80%) say the new service will likely become a serious competitor to podcasts and streaming audio, versus 66% who say it will likely become a serious competitor to social media companies.


In five years, half of Clubhouse users (51%) expect it to be more popular than it is now, while 36% expect it to be as popular as it is now.

Reality check: most people haven’t heard about what “everyone’s talking about”

  • Just 3% of people have heard “a lot” about NFTs; 66% have heard “nothing at all”
  • Just 4% of people have heard “a lot” about Clubhouse; 66% have heard “nothing at all”
  • Just 5% of people have heard “a lot” about SPACs; 52% have heard “nothing at all”

For comparison:

  • 40% of people have heard “a lot” about TikTok; 6% have heard “nothing at all”
  • 11% of people have heard “a lot” about ETFs; 33% have heard “nothing at all”
  • 9% of people have heard “a lot” about Ethereum; 50% have heard “nothing at all”

Read more about our polling methodology here
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