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Axios|SurveyMonkey Poll: 2019 World Economic Forum

Axios|SurveyMonkey Poll: 2019 World Economic Forum

Most people in the U.S. are still proponents of capitalism, but a majority also believe that the economic system we have is inherently unfair.

  • 58 percent of people say that “unfairness in the economic system that favors the wealthy” is a bigger problem than “over-regulation of the free market that interferes with growth and prosperity” (39 percent)
    • Among 18-24 year-olds, that gap is a chasm: 76 to 21 percent
    • Among those 65 and older, it’s a narrow 51 to 46 percent
  • A huge majority of Democrats (90 percent) say they would be excited to vote for a candidate who promises to reform the economic system, with 71 percent of independents saying the same.

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