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everymum’s consumer research helps mothers on maternity leave

everymum’s consumer research helps mothers on maternity leave

77% of women said they had little or no support from their employer before and after maternity leave.

That’s the alarming feedback everymum received from a survey conducted in July 2018. With more than 300,000 members, the Ireland-based media and content agency is the country’s largest digital parenting community. Its SurveyMonkey team plan helps everymum gather valuable feedback from their members.

everymum’s mission is to provide guidance and resources about pregnancy and early childhood to women across Ireland. Through this trusted relationship, everymum also helps brands like Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, and Pampers connect with their target market to ensure products are performing and supporting new mums and mums-to-be.

In 2018, everymum partnered with New Ireland Assurance to conduct market research around returning to work after maternity leave. That’s when survey data from more than 1,500 women showed that 77% said they had little or no support from their employer before and after maternity leave.

SurveyMonkey customer everymum's campaign #ReturnWithConfidence

According to Sharon Tighe, everymum’s Head of Online Strategy and Insights, the award-winning #ReturnWithConfidence campaign was created to raise awareness of the issues that women encounter when returning to work after maternity leave. The campaign sparks conversation and debate on what can be done by employers, colleagues, and society to address these issues.

“The content strategy of the campaign was developed based on feedback we gathered through SurveyMonkey, which allowed us to really listen to the women who were already in that situation, so we could act to make a change,” Tighe said.

Stats that highlight how employers can help women ease back into work.

The feedback gathered from the survey also helped New Ireland Assurance and everymum create additional resources for maternity leave—helpful online content, tips and shared experiences, and workshops led by career coaches.

“We wanted to do more to improve that transition for women, families, and employers,” Tighe said. “If you were returning to work, or trying to work after maternity leave, we wanted you to have information to help you prepare.”

Learn how to use surveys to conduct your own research to support content marketing efforts.

It takes a lot of content to support a member base as large as everymum’s. Emily Elphinstone, everymum’s Head of Digital Content said it produces articles, infographics, ebooks, recipes, coupons, and—in partnership with Ireland’s Maternity Hospitals—the Ultimate Maternity Guide magazine. everymum has a large social media following and a podcast, it operates a birth club, and even organizes meetups for mothers.

In addition to gathering market research, surveys are key for determining what type of content to serve its community.

“People really love giving their opinions on different things, so they like to pick and choose what they want to hear from us,” Elphinstone added.

everymum has been using member research to make better business decisions like redeveloping its website. For example, when everymum experienced a decline in online forum participation on its website, survey data showed that a large volume of members weren’t interacting on other parenting website forums either. Because the community favored using social media, everymum invested more to have conversations with its community there.

“We regularly survey mums on what content they enjoy hearing about or if there's any that they would like to hear more of,” Tighe added. “SurveyMonkey has always been reliable—we use it often and in various ways.”

For example, everymum uses SurveyMonkey for product testing. Not only does its SurveyMonkey form qualify candidates for product testing, but it also helps everymum gauge how responsive respondents will be completing forms during product testing.

As a content agency with so much credibility and a direct line of communication to mothers, companies have found that everymum is the perfect partner for brand awareness surveys, product testing, and messaging questionnaires. It uses SurveyMonkey to qualify people for product testing because they’re able to get a large volume of responses from members quickly.

“We have increasingly used SurveyMonkey because we work with different brand clients that want to speak to mums during pregnancy and early birth stages,” Tighe said. “This can be a trying time for women. We trust SurveyMonkey for reliability and ease of use for our community. Trust and relevance are important to us—at all times.”

That trust has earned everymum impressive member satisfaction statistics—99.3% of its members said they would recommend the community to a friend—another data point gathered with the help of SurveyMonkey for teams.

Listening to members, creating content, launching campaigns, and partnering on consumer research—for everymum, none of this would be possible without a tool that allows its team to collaborate on gathering and analyzing opinions.

“SurveyMonkey is quite adaptable—whether you're asking a small group specific things or finding out general things that we can use to educate our clients,” said Glenda Groves, everymum Marketing Campaign Manager.

everymum has found that SurveyMonkey’s collaboration features are even adaptable for its own team. SurveyMonkey helps play to everyone’s strengths and allows the team to work easily with external stakeholders.

Create and analyze surveys as a team, so you can get to insights faster.

Groves is responsible for survey design, acting as liaison between clients to ensure questions are user-friendly and provide a positive journey throughout the survey. Elphinstone writes the survey, ensuring everymum’s tone of voice. Tighe puts the finishing touches on surveys by adding advanced branching and skip logic. She also sets up a test collector and Groves then shares with the client. External stakeholders can preview and comment on surveys, right in SurveyMonkey.

“We always use a shared client link, so they can write their comments on the survey,” Tighe said. “It’s a really nice SurveyMonkey feature that lets them signal their approval.”

After the survey is sent to the everymum community, Groves customizes reports—highlighting the insights that are most important—before sharing with the client.

“Sometimes clients want the results segmented by a certain question and we'll do that through SurveyMonkey filters,” Tighe said. “If they’re looking for top-line percentages, we’ll send them the SurveyMonkey results as a presentation file—it’s quick and professional.”

Other SurveyMonkey features the everymum team relies on—using SurveyMonkey on multiple devices and GDPR compliance.

“We’ve updated and changed many of our software tools over the years, but we've never looked to replace SurveyMonkey. It does everything we need it to do and does it well,” Tighe said. “I feel we have evolved and improved by using it. It’s an incredibly powerful and useful platform.”

Learn more about how SurveyMonkey can help your team drive growth in your organization.