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Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll: eCommerce and Walmart+

Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll: eCommerce and Walmart+

According to a new Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll, no major spending habits changed compared to July figures when it comes to shares of who have spent more than they did pre-pandemic, though shares who are spending less dipped by 6 points.

Where are they spending their digital cash?
While Amazon still tops the list with nearly eight in 10 (79%) of people making purchases on their platform since the pandemic began, there is also a five point uptick in those who’ve made online purchases at Walmart since July (from 36% to 41%).

Walmart enjoys an uptick in in-person shopping since July with now 61% of Americans saying they shop at the brick and mortar locations at least once a month, up from just under half. Those who never visited a Walmart dropped from 16% to just four percent. 

In July, just shy of three in 10 Americans (27%) said they would be likely to subscribe to the Walmart annual service that allows unlimited same-day delivery and gas station discounts. Today, just three percent say they’ve subscribed to the service. Far greater shares either shop at Walmart in person or on Walmart.com (71%). 

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