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NBC News

NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll: coronavirus concerns remain steady

NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll: coronavirus concerns remain steady

Concerns about the coronavirus pandemic remain steady in the U.S. despite a summer of start-and-stop reopenings across the country. In the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey tracking poll, 49% of people nationwide continue to say they are very worried about a potential second wave of the virus—a number that has not budged over the past three weeks.  

The public’s anticipatory concern about a second wave exceeds more immediate concerns about their personal health and financial situations, with 41% of people saying they are very worried about the virus’s effect on their own household finances and 37% saying they are very worried that they or someone in their family will be exposed. But overall economic concerns are still high, with 66% of people saying they are very worried that the coronavirus outbreak will have a negative economic effect on the country as a whole. All of these numbers have been steady for the past three weeks. 

While economic concerns are dominant, a majority of the country still views the outbreak as “more of a health crisis” than an economic crisis nationally (56% vs. 42%). Fewer than one quarter of people in the U.S. (23%) consider the current state of the economy to be good or excellent. 

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