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NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll: final push for early voting

NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll: final push for early voting

Just more than half of people who say they still plan to vote plan to do so on Election Day itself (52%), while 26% plan to vote in person during early voting and 20% plan to vote by mail, according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Tracking poll. Only among Republicans do a majority say they plan to vote in person on Election Day (63%); among Democrats who have yet to vote, 40% plan to vote in person on Election Day, 33% plan to vote in person during early voting, and 26% plan to vote by mail; among independents who have yet to vote, 41% plan to vote on Election Day, 23% plan to vote in person during early voting, and 33% plan to vote by mail.

Among those who have already voted, nearly twice as many say they’ve voted by mail as have voted in person during early voting (63% vs. 36%). The majority of Democrats and independents who say they have already voted did so by mail (69% and 68%, respectively), while early voting Republicans are split nearly evenly between those who’ve voted by mail (52%) and those who’ve voted in person (47%). 

Of course, the year’s election is taking place with a global pandemic as the backdrop, and reports indicate rising rates of coronavirus across the U.S. as we head into the final days of the presidential race. Nearly seven in 10 people (68%) across the country say they know someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, and 34% say they or someone in their household has been tested for the virus in the past 30 days.

View the full results by partisanship below.
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