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New York Times

New York Times|SurveyMonkey Poll: April 2021

New York Times|SurveyMonkey Poll: April 2021

Biden’s infrastructure proposal receives widespread support

Building off of the widespread support for the American Rescue Plan, President Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan so far has the approval of 64% of the American public, including 96% of Democrats and 72% of independents but just 29% of Republicans.

Republicans are particularly opposed to raising the corporate tax rate in order to fund the $2 trillion in infrastructure spending called for in the American Jobs Plan: 65% of Republicans say they would be less likely to approve of the proposal if it is tied to an increase in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, whereas 59% of Democrats say they would be more likely to approve of the AJP if such a tax hike were included.

The AJP has a broad definition of infrastructure, and some components of the proposal are more popular than others—but notably, four of the key components receive more support than the AJP overall. 

Two-thirds of people (67%) say they approve of increasing federal spending on mass transit, with just 44% of Republicans and GOP leaners in support of this component of the proposal.

Infrastructure spending on highways, bridges, and roads; ports, waterways, and airports; and high-speed broadband all receive support from about eight in 10 people nationwide, including majorities of Republicans. 

Consumer confidence up—among Democrats

Though the overall consumer confidence index nudged up only from a score of 48 to 49, Democrats’ enthusiasm is abundant. Beginning in January, their confidence index has reached a new record high each month, and now stands at a score of 67, nearly matching Republicans’ confidence index score (70) in the month before the election last year. 

One quarter of people across the country say they are better off now than they were a year ago, a sharp uptick from 19% the past two months.

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