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The Daily Q: our top findings of the month

The Daily Q: our top findings of the month

Recently on SurveyMonkey’s Twitter and Instagram profiles, we launched a series called The Daily Q, which asks one culturally relevant survey question every weekday. With more than 100,000 participants and counting, it has been a great way to remind people how engaging and insightful asking even a single survey question can be—let alone an entire survey’s worth.

In April, we asked 20 daily survey questions. Here are our top 5 most surprising results. But before we count down, here is a list of free, easy to set up surveys you can start using today: Customer satisfaction surveys, Employee satisfaction surveys, Marketing surveys, Meeting and event planning surveys, and more

People don't want to hear about NFTs

As painful as cover letter writing and repetitive memes (especially at the time) might be, it seems there’s a clear winner for time badly spent. If you’re one of the lucky few who haven’t seen all the coverage in the media—non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are blocks of unique data (often a visual, video, or audio file) stored on blockchain. They’ve gotten quite a bit of hype, and many people are clearly tired of hearing about it.

We should clarify, too, that we meant no offense to airplane clappers—but based our results might suggest you switch to air clapping. 

Most employees chose 1 heart out of 5 to show how little they feel valued

That’s 65% total who feel their value at work is either 0 or just 1 heart. This might not be surprising to those who have been following the Great Resignation, but the results are still strikingly stark. With over 6,000 responses, this is a big sample of the population. 

This stat is important because it’s such an addressable problem. Employee recognition doesn’t have to be complicated—public acknowledgement, spot bonuses for exceptional work (even small ones), and simple words of praise from the people in charge can go a long way.

If you personally need help understanding how your employees or co-workers feel, check out our free employee satisfaction survey.

the backstreet boys beats spice girls, nysnc, or destiny's child

This was a tough one—it’s hard to pick a favorite when the nostalgia kicks in. Not a nineties fan? Create your own one-question survey about your genre of choice and send it to friends/family to see who reigns supreme among your loved ones.

Most people plan to stop buying from company after getting bad customer service

Don’t forget you can keep better connected with your customers by sending them a survey, learn more here

Chris Rock is the favorite Oscars host, beating Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg, and Ellen DeGeneres

We posed this survey question hours before the now infamous slap. Maybe next year we will see him return as the host!

Remember, you can easily send a survey to your family, friends, or co-workers today using SurveyMonkey. Get started with our expert written templates today: Customer satisfaction surveys, Employee satisfaction surveys, Marketing surveys, Meeting and event planning surveys, and more