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Politics and Culture

A third of America tuned in to President Trump’s televised address

A third of America tuned in to President Trump’s televised address

More than a third of the country tuned in to President Donald Trump's first televised address this week, and just slightly fewer watched the Democratic response delivered by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer. These data come from a new SurveyMonkey poll conducted January 9-10, 2019:

  • 36% of people in the U.S. watched President Trump's address to the nation, and another 31% said they didn't watch the address but followed coverage of it in the news
  • 32% of people watched the response from Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer, and another 27% said they didn't watch the response but followed coverage of it in the news
  • Just over half of Republicans (51%) said they watched the presidential address, while just 37% tuned in for the Democratic response
  • Just under a third of Democrats (32%) said they watched the presidential address, though slightly more (35%) tuned in for the Democratic response
Watched Trump's address
Watched Democratic response32%37%18%35%
NET address - response+4+14+2-2