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Create a roadmap for analysing data to meet your research objectives. 

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Survey results are in; it’s time to develop a data analysis project plan. Not sure how to do this? Don’t worry. This article shares a data analysis plan example, a step-by-step guide to creating this plan and several best practices to follow.

A data analysis plan is a blueprint outlining the strategies, methods and steps for organising data from a survey or market research. 

A data analysis plan is essential for research success, guiding data processing and interpretation to minimise errors and enhance reliability. It keeps data organised, supports better decision-making and ensures alignment with research objectives.

Creating a data analysis plan can be broken down into seven key steps. Follow these steps to organise your data analysis for the best results. 

A data analysis plan should align with your initial survey goals. Revisit your survey objectives before you create a data analysis plan. 

Let’s take a look at how you would align a plan and objectives in a data analysis plan example:

You are surveying university students regarding their campus dining options. Your goal is to gather feedback on the current options and see what other dining options students want.

To reach this goal, your research questions may look something like this:

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the variety of dining options available on campus?
  • Which of the following eateries do you visit most frequently?
  • What do you like most about the eatery you visit most frequently? Select all that apply.
  • If you could add another dining option, which eatery or food chain would you choose?

You should adapt your data analysis method according to the survey questions and gathered data. In this case, you should create a data analysis plan for quantitative research. 

Next, clean your data to ensure that you have accurate results representing your target population before you draw any conclusions. Cleaning your data helps to eliminate bias, reduce noise and improve the quality of your results.

To clean your data, filter out the following:

  • Respondents who don’t answer all of your questions
  • Respondents who don’t meet your target criteria
  • Respondents who ‘straightline’, i.e. always choose the same answer, such as the first answer option
  • Respondents who provide unrealistic answers
  • Respondents who give inconsistent responses
  • Respondents who offer nonsensical feedback in your open-ended questions

With SurveyMonkey, you can use our Question Bank to encourage candid results and survey logic to vet respondents as well as easily filter responses by completeness.

After cleaning the data, it’s time to prepare it for statistical analysis. This involves structuring your dataset to ensure that the appropriate analytical methods are applied to address your research questions.

To prepare data for analysis, organise your questions methodically by aligning them with each of your central research questions. Organising these in a table format can be helpful for easy viewing. 

For instance, in the previous data analysis example about university dining options, the table may look something like this:

Research QuestionSurvey Questions(s)
Do students want more dining options on campus?- On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the variety of dining options available on campus?
- If you could add another dining option, which eatery or food chain would you choose?
Which dining options are most popular and why?- Which of the following eateries do you visit most frequently?
- What do you like most about the eatery that you visit most frequently? Select all that apply.
What type of students prefer each dining option?- How old are you?
- What gender do you identify as?
- Are you enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate programme?

Next, select the most suitable analysis method for your research, ensuring it aligns with the relationships that you aim to explore in the data.

Some common data analysis methods include: 

  • Descriptive analysis
    • This data analysis summarises the features of the dataset. 
    • Methods: Mean, median, mode, frequency distribution, percentage and standard deviation.
    • Example: What is the average satisfaction rating of student survey participants?
  • Comparative analysis
    • This analysis compares groups and the related data to determine differences.
    • Methods: T-tests, ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and the Chi-square test.
    • Example: Is there a significant difference in the satisfaction level of undergraduate vs. graduate students?
  • Correlation analysis
    • Correlation analysis evaluates the relationship between at least two variables.
    • Methods: Pearson correlation, Spearman’s rank correlation.
    • Example: Is there a relationship between the age of a student and their satisfaction with the dining options?
  • Qualitative data analysis
    • This involves analysing open-ended responses for textual patterns. This type of data analysis plan is best for qualitative research.
    • Methods: Thematic analysis, content analysis, coding.
    • Example: Do you notice a theme in terms of which what additional dining options respondents would like to see on campus? 

Finally, establish a project timeline for your data analysis plan and allocate resources.

Break down tasks into manageable steps to create a project timeline. Set realistic deadlines for each task to maintain progress towards your goal. Identify both small and large milestones in order to stay motivated throughout the process.

To evaluate resources, tasks must be assigned to team members according to their skills and expertise. This also involves identifying the appropriate software or technology, such as SPSS, SAS or Tableau. 

Additionally, regular check-ins should be implemented to monitor progress and ensure that tasks are completed on time.

This approach promotes accountability, optimises resource use and helps maintain momentum towards project goals.

Once you’ve analysed the data, your next step is to interpret and report on your findings. This involves linking your findings to your original research objectives and preparing a survey analysis report. Such a report highlights patterns, trends and key insights in a clear format for stakeholders. 

Use visual aids such as infographics, charts and graphs to display data. When writing the report, make sure you address detailed findings and limitations and provide recommendations (if applicable). 

After you’ve interpreted the data and created a survey report, it’s important to review the effectiveness of your data analysis plan.

This helps you to improve your analysis process and ensure that future analyses are effective. Incorporate stakeholder and team feedback to refine your next data analysis plan. And consider creating a data analysis plan template if you conduct market research on a regular basis.

Before you go, here are a few last best practices for creating your data analysis plan. 

  • Align the plan with your research objectives. Ensure that you keep the focus of your data analysis plan on your original research objectives. This will keep your findings aligned with the intended purpose of the survey.
  • Plan for data cleaning. It’s good to plan early for data cleaning to ensure that the data you analyse is relevant to your project. Establish protocols for handling missing data and inconsistencies before analysing the data.
  • Choose the best-fit analytical technique. You will choose the right analytical technique based on the type of data (quantitative, qualitative, categorical, etc.) and the relationships you are investigating. Using the correct method will boost the validity and relevance of the results.
  • Use a data analysis plan template. If you conduct market research on a regular basis, you may want to create a data analysis plan template or use a third-party template.

A data analysis plan serves as a roadmap for organising survey data. Creating a data analysis plan is critical to the market research process and leads to more efficient time management and detailed analysis.

The SurveyMonkey Market Research Solution empowers you to get AI-powered insights to expedite each stage of your market research. This intuitive platform is designed to help you gain quick insights that drive better decisions. It even offers custom reporting and exports to make presenting your findings simple.