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Brand Awareness Survey Template

Used 9,000+ times

Use our expert-certified survey to get a true measure of your brand popularity.

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Find out whether or not your brand is popular with consumers. Our expert-certified brand awareness survey template features unaided and aided brand awareness questions that are designed to eliminate consumer bias and give you a true measure of your brand popularity. Use this survey template to find out whether your brand is on consumers’ minds and about the overall brand reach.

Discover whether consumers can state your brand name on their own by asking them brand recall questions and then get them to answer specific questions about your brand. Can they name your brand when you give them a general product or service category? Do consumers recognise your brand when placed among a list of other well-known brands? Where have consumers seen advertisements for your brand? When you know how aware consumers are of your brand, you can work out where you need to focus your ad campaigns. You can even customise this template to include demographic questions to identify which population segments know the most about you.

To create a survey using our brand awareness questionnaire template, just sign up or sign in to SurveyMonkey. You’ll be able to choose the template when you start creating a survey.

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