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Amazon’s primed to win new customers

Amazon’s primed to win new customers

Happy Prime Day, everyone! What, you didn’t know that was today? Don’t feel bad–you and 61% of Americans are in the same boat.

Amazon Prime Day is Amazon’s one-day flash sales event, similar to Black Friday in the US. Amazon promises deals on 1000s of products over a 30-hour period to those who’re members of its subscription service, Amazon Prime.

We were curious what people thought of this made-up holiday, and how likely they are to shop, so we used SurveyMonkey Audience to find out. Here’s what we found.

A whopping 94% of people said they’ve heard of Amazon Prime, while 70% have used Amazon Prime. It’s one of many of Amazon’s consumer services, but it’s by far the most well known.

Okay, so Amazon Prime is pretty widespread in the US. What about Prime Day? 46% of respondents knew what Amazon Prime Day is, while 39% were aware that Prime Day was coming up on July 11th (today!).

What’s more, 30% are extremely or very likely to shop for deals on Prime Day. This is only the third year Amazon has had this day-of-deals, but it seems extremely popular.

Of those who are at least somewhat likely to shop for deals on Amazon Prime Day:

The least popular items? Baby products, coming in at 8%.

If you’re vying for great deals, here’s the breakdown on your main competition by age and gender. (Or if you’re Amazon, check out the people who are most likely shopping your site.)

These are the people who are at least somewhat likely to shop on Prime Day:

But Prime Day is not just a way to delight current customers with heavy discounts. There’s a huge customer acquisition opportunity.

13% of people are at least somewhat likely to get a new Amazon prime subscription to take advantage of the Prime Day deals. If you extrapolate that out to the entire US population–that’s a massive opportunity for Amazon to grow their customer base.

So get out there and nab those deals! They’ll only last a few more hours…

About our study: We used SurveyMonkey Audience on July 5-6, 2017 to survey 261 adults aged 18+ in the United States. The sample was age and gender balanced according to the 2010 US Census.