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Distance learning continues, higher ed students want school support during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond

Distance learning continues, higher ed students want school support during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond

In a follow-up to a survey we conducted back in March, students enrolled in higher education programs have growing concerns and many are uneasy about the idea of returning to campus in Fall.

In a follow-up to a survey we conducted back in March, SurveyMonkey wanted to see how distance learning is going for students enrolled in higher education and where they need support with continuing their education in this unknown landscape. 

What we learned from students in our most recent study...

Concerns remain high 

  • Almost all students are continuing their education in a virtual environment, and 58% feel unprepared to continue learning in this way for an unknown period of time. 
  • Concerns about keeping up with coursework, juggling other priorities (e.g. child care), and being physically isolated from classmates have grown dramatically since March, all up by double digit percentage points.  
  • When it comes to returning to campus, the top cited concern (46%) is risk of contracting COVID-19, and only 35% of students today say they would be comfortable returning to campus in the Fall.

Communication and support are crucial

  • Almost half (47%) of students want to get updates from their school about coronavirus either daily or every 2-3 days, an additional 27% want communication when that information becomes available.
  • Majorities are connecting with their instructors several times a week (56%) and most students are able to participate in “virtual office hours” with their instructors (78%)
  • In addition to some leniency with project deadlines, virtual office hours, and tips and tricks to maximize remote learning, not to be overlooked, 41% would find mental health support most helpful. 

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This survey was fielded using SurveyMonkey Audience.

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Click through all of the results in the interactive toplines below: