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Fortune|SurveyMonkey Poll: returning to “normal” post-covid

Fortune|SurveyMonkey Poll: returning to “normal”  post-covid

More Americans are ready to go back to life as they knew it.

Across all measures of getting back to “normal”, shares of those already comfortable dining in at restaurants, patronizing in-person at a bar, being in large crowds, and flying have gone up since we last asked in February of this year and are up double-digit percentages by gender and age. 

Percentages of those already comfortable doing the following: 

  • DINE-IN AT RESTAURANTS: 63%, up 20 points from July 2020
  • FLYING: 50% up 10 points from February 
  • PATRONIZE IN-PERSON AT A BAR: 43% up 17 points from July 2020
  • BIG CROWD:  34% up 14 points from July 2020

As more and more Americans are getting vaccinated and businesses are reopening, the shares of those who think it will be more than a year before life is back to normal is shrinking, down 17 points from February this year; 32% think it’ll be more than a year before life is back to normal, 49% in Feb.

Moving during the pandemic

A majority of Americans are not moving to different counties during the pandemic this past year (91%), and only 5% say that they are likely to move counties in the next year as a result of the pandemic (compared to 10% overall who will say they will likely move in the next year).

Of those who have moved to a different county:

  • Fully 81% are moving from an urban (41%)  or suburban (40%) community. Far less, (18%) are moving from a rural area. 
  • Nearly half (45%) say they are moving to the suburbs.
  • Just 31% moving to an urban area
  • 23% moved to a rural area.

For more detailed results, click through the interactive toplines below.
Read more about our polling methodology here.