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Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll: reopening the economy

Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll: reopening the economy

Deciding when and how to reopen the economy is a tough balancing act. In a new Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll, a clear majority of people (62% vs. 36%) are more concerned that businesses in their area will reopen too quickly rather than too slowly.

Still, there is a fair amount of hesitation. Just over half of people in the U.S. (52%) consider the coronavirus outbreak to be more of a health crisis, while 47% consider it to be more of an economic crisis.

Less than half of people want any businesses to reopen immediately:

  • 45% want to see non-elective surgeries or closed doctors office to reopen now
  • 41% want local dentists offices to reopen now
  • 30% say retail and commercial businesses should reopen now
  • 19% want dine-in restaurants to open now
  • 14% want to see gyms and fitness studios open now

For more detailed results, click through the interactive toplines below.
Read more about our polling methodology here

Question text:
Do you have a positive or negative view of the U.S. federal government’s response to the coronavirus outbreaks?
When do you think life in your area will be mostly back to normal? Is that in … ?
Thinking about the U.S. as a whole, is the coronavirus outbreak more of an economic crisis or more of a health crisis?
How about for you personally? Are you more worried about your economic prospects or your health?
What’s a bigger concern to you right now—that businesses in your area will reopen too quickly or too slowly?
What types of businesses should be the first to reopen in your area? (Select all that apply.)
Should any of the following businesses reopen immediately in your area? (Select all that apply.)
Do you have a favorable or unfavorable view of the Paycheck Protection Plan, small business loan program that Congress passed as a part of its stimulus package?
Have you received your stimulus check from the government?
Have you done anything with the money so far? (Please select all that apply.)
What best describes your employment situation?
How worried are you that you’ll lose your job or work because of the coronavirus? (AMONG EMPLOYED)
In what ways has your employment been impacted by the coronavirus outbreaks? (Select all that apply.) (AMONG THOSE IN THE LABOR FORCE)