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Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll: Stay at home update

Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll: Stay at home update

Most support a stay at home order, especially if boosted by political leaders

  • 58% of people in a new Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll say they support a national “stay at home” order, in which everyone in the U.S. is required to remain at home except for essential services; 40% would oppose such an order
  • 87% of Democrats and 67% of independents but just 24% of Republicans support a national stay at home order
  • 23% say they would be more likely to support a stay at home order if it were endorsed by President-elect Joe Biden (8% among Republicans, 22% among independents, and 38% among Democrats)
  • 28% say they would be more likely to support a stay at home order if it were endorsed by their state’s governor (12% among Republicans, 27% among independents, and 43% among Democrats)

Democrats are eager for a vaccine; Republicans are more hesitant

  • 40% of adults across the U.S. say they would want to receive a COVID-19 as soon as possible once it becomes available, while a nearly equal number (39%) would want to wait a while and some 19% would not want to receive the vaccine ever
  • More than half of Democrats (52%) would want to get the vaccine immediately, vs. just 31% of Republicans and 33% of independents
  • A full 30% of Republicans and 26% of independents would not want to get the vaccine ever, compared with just 7% of Democrats
  • By race, Blacks are the most hesitant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine: 28% say they would want it as soon as possible, 46% would want to wait a while, and 25% would not want it ever
  • By income, those in the highest income brackets are most eager to get the vaccine: 47% of those with household incomes of $100,000 or more would want it right away, compared with 35% among those making less than $50,000

Majorities say the COVID-19 pandemic and the national economic situation are worsening

  • 54% of people say the national economic situation is worsening, 26% say it is improving, and 18% say it is holding steady.
    • Those numbers are unchanged from August, when 57% of people said the national economic situation is worsening, 27% said it is improving, and 14% said it is holding steady.
  • By party, those results mostly hold steady, too, though Democrats are somewhat less likely now to say that the economy is worsening (from 86% in August to 73% now) and slightly more likely to say it is holding steady (from 9% to 16% now)

For full results, click through the interactive toplines below.
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