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Fortune|SurveyMonkey Poll: returning to work

Fortune|SurveyMonkey Poll: returning to work

Nearly half (49%) of Americans now say their life will mostly be back to normal in over a year (+9 points from July 2020).

  • 19% think it will be six months or less 
  • Just 11% think four to six months is realistic
  • Five percent say two to three months
  • Only three percent think things will be normal in a month or sooner.

If it were up to the employees themselves, American workers would opt for a choice from where to work but want the option to go into the office. 

  • 42% of American workers today would want a mix of remote and in-office work. 
  • 36% want to always be in the office and 18% always remote.
  • Greater shares of men want to work from the office than women (40 vs. 31%). 
  • Almost half (46%) of women want a mix of remote and office work (37% among men).

Nearly four in 10 (39%) workers today are doing so remotely and just 22% say they were doing so prior to the pandemic. 

  • 47% say they’re equally productive at home compared to before the pandemic
  • 27% say they are less productive and 25% moreso

Nearly one-third (32%) of Americans flew for work at least once a year prior to the pandemic. 

  • 75% of those who flew often (once a month or more frequently) want to go back to regular travel when the pandemic is over. 

For more detailed results, click through the interactive toplines below.
Read more about our polling methodology here.