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Summer vacation habits in the United Kingdom

Summer vacation habits in the United Kingdom

Although all of us here at SurveyMonkey hate to admit it, we realize that summer is coming to an end, and quickly. But before we prep ourselves for Fall, let’s savor the joys of summer for just a little bit longer, shall we? Joys like sunshine, ice cream and BBQ with friends. Summertime’s also when many of us choose to take (much needed) vacations.

Many Americans think of Europe as a pretty amazing vacation destination and this got us thinking–where do Europeans like to go when they want to get away? Using SurveyMonkey Audience, we asked 300 of our friends from across the pond about their vacation habits. We were also eager to see what specific vacation destinations our British respondents preferred.

Take a look at what we found out.

Just under half of respondents say they go on vacation once a year (42%) while a third go twice and a very lucky quarter of folks go on holiday three or more times a year (24%).

When asked about the duration of their vacation, 64% report that they’re away for a week or longer. Not too long, not too short.

Now that we know how long our international friends like to be away for, what do they like to do?

“Relaxing or lounging” claims the top spot with nearly half opting to catch up on zzz’s and take it easy, seconded by the more active types–hikers and fans of kayaking.

So if you live in the UK, where’s the place to go for vacation?

Spain is the winner! Other popular destinations? France, Italy and surprisingly for us, folks living in the UK enjoy staying more local and traveling to Wales.

When it comes to taking summer vacations, it seems like our British friends are content with staying close to home, and most are able to find the time to take lengthier vacations. We love that their favorite vacation activity is simply relaxing, because we monkeys can definitely appreciate the value in taking the time to just hang out.

It’s your turn–what’s your favorite vacation activity and where’s your favorite place to just get away?

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