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Newton Media drives big events impact with SurveyMonkey

A SurveyMonkey solution helps drive successful events.

Woman speaking at a conference

A great deal of effort and expertise goes into successful event planning, and feedback can play a key role in both planning and ongoing improvement.

Angharad Davies, head of editorial research at Newton Media, a leading UK-based business-to-business publisher and event organiser, faced a range of challenges collecting and acting on customer event feedback. In her view, Newton needed an automated solution that empowered them to gather actionable customer feedback at scale, on a frequent basis.

She and her team found that SurveyMonkey met those needs with quick ROI: Davies says that Newton saw a return on investment within six months.

“SurveyMonkey has had a big impact on our events side. We are now able to produce bespoke events that the market wants. We have seen a big increase in attendance at our events.”

Head of Editorial Research, Newton Media

Davies and her team use SurveyMonkey to collect a wide range of feedback across the customer journey. She leverages her team plan across the organisation to collect customer feedback about Newton’s website, after in-person events or customer interactions, and following support calls. These are supplemented with regular, calendar-based surveys. She and her team need to know:

  • If customers would recommend their product or service
  • What customers like and dislike about their product or service
  • How customers would rate their interactions with Newton Media

How does Davies think the SurveyMonkey team plan stacks up against the competition? When it comes to survey templates, the expertise of our support team and the ability to export data, SurveyMonkey comes out on top.

And would Davies recommend SurveyMonkey? “Yes,” she says. “We have three people who use SurveyMonkey. Not only is it easier to build our own surveys, but it's easier to share surveys between the team as well.”

This case study was sourced using TechValidate by SurveyMonkey.

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