Find out how much money people allocate in their budget to cover monthly household expenses if you want to understand their priorities and spending power. Created by experts, this survey’s questions are methodologically sound to give you the information you need. Use this survey if you want more information about how much money the average household allocates in its budget for utility bills and commuting expenses.
If you want to know how much people are spending to cover monthly household expenses, this survey is for you. How much does each household allocate in its budget for TV, internet and mobile phone services? How much do people set aside for their healthcare and their commute? Once you have these answers, you can gauge the priorities of the average household and see the areas where people may be interested in adjusting their expenses. You can add questions or customise this template to find out more about people’s household needs.
To create a survey using the Household Budget survey template, just sign up or sign in to SurveyMonkey. You’ll be able to choose the template when you start creating a survey.
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