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Uncover key insights about your brand, market, customers, campaigns, messaging and more to maximise marketing impact.

Screenshot of SurveyMonkey event registration form with ad testing solution overlay on top

Trusted by 300K+ organisations worldwide

Customer logo for Uber in black
Customer logo for adidas in black
Customer logo for Samsung in black
Customer logo for McKesson in black
Customer logo for Harvard University in black

Monitor key metrics to measure brand performance across markets, over time.

Test the effectiveness of ad creative to achieve high-performing campaigns.

Measure the effectiveness of your messaging with an automated analysis of slogans, taglines, positioning and more.

Launch successful products and campaigns, and uncover consumer preferences that drive demand.

Uncover purchase habits and behaviours to build winning product and marketing strategies.

Learn what people thought of your event so you can make the next one even better.

Learn about your customers' preferences so you can reach them with the right content.

Find out what people think about your company, product, service or experience to measure customer loyalty.

Boost marketing and sales by understanding why you lost or won a customer.

Screenshot of a SurveyMonkey ad testing solution scorecard next to a woman looking at her laptop screen

Find out what your target market wants so you can build more effective marketing programmes that generate leads and drive greater ROI. SurveyMonkey’s brand insights and creative development solutions give marketers turnkey access to meaningful insights that help drive positive business outcomes.

Capture useful feedback from your customers throughout their journey, pinpoint strengths and weaknesses and deliver better experiences that result in a brand customers love.

Screenshot of SurveyMonkey Net Promoter Score survey template
Screenshot of SurveyMonkey analytics dashboard for a brand tracker project

Conduct market research to identify new areas of growth, track brand performance and stay ahead of market trends. SurveyMonkey’s market research solutions empower marketers to make faster, smarter decisions that increase brand awareness, growth and ROI.

  1. Learn more about our enterprise solution
  2. Schedule a personalised demo
  3. Discover the right enterprise plan for your organisation's needs
Man sitting and working on a computer next to a window

Net Promoter, Net Promoter Score and NPS are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.