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3 ways to bring the holiday spirit to your surveys

3 ways to bring the holiday spirit to your surveys

Sending a surveys is the most effective way to get the data you need to make good business decisions—but that's not all they're good for. This December try using surveys to delight your respondents, spread goodwill, and get the opinions of the people who matter most. As the world slows down to celebrate the holidays, you have the opportunity to infuse a little more spirit into your surveys. Here’s how.

Show your customers how much you appreciate them with special gift

Show your customers love (and boost your completion rate) by automatically sending them a gift at completion. Our new integration with Sendoso lets you send automatically send gifts when respondents complete your survey.

How it works: You set up triggers within your survey, and when respondents set them off, they get a gift of your choosing—anything from an eGift card to company swag, to a bottle of fine wine. Sendoso sources, stores, and manages corporate swag, customer gifts, eGifts, printed collateral, or (almost) any other gift that strikes your fancy. To get started read Sendoso’s instruction for the integration.

Some gift ideas (with various degrees of buttoned-up professionalism), from Sendoso’s new eBook,101 Unforgettable Corporate Gift Ideas for the Holidays:

  • Gift cards to sites like Amazon, Starbucks, or Airbnb
  • A plant (Sendoso recommendations include a desk succulent, a sapling, and a bonsai tree)
  • Company swag (cups, t-shirts, blankets, etc.)
  • A piñata filled with positive reviews of the client’s company
  • Membership to services like Audible or Amazon Prime
  • Fresh fruit, or wine and cheese
  • A lava lamp
  • A fancy card
  • A customized mug, yoyo, or bobblehead
  • Nerf guns

Our earlier research found 78% of people feel noticeably happier after receiving gratitude and 38% prefer to express gratitude by sending and receiving gifts. Celebrate the season with happier customers, and start 2019 off on a decidedly positive note.

Spread goodwill by including an option to donate to charity within your surveys

You can also use your surveys to collect charitable donations for good causes. Here’s how:

  • Create a payment type question within your survey. Go to My Account—>Linked Accounts—> Stripe. You can either sign into an existing Stripe account, or set one up (it’s free).
  • Send your survey and wait until you have all the responses back that you expect to receive, then transfer what you’ve raised to the charity of your choice.

Pro tip: Put this question at the end of your survey to ensure that respondents don’t drop off early, and make it clear that a donation is optional. You want this question to be an opportunity for respondents to give during the holiday season, not create discomfort or put them under pressure—especially if they’re customers. It’s up to you to decide which types of surveys this type of question makes sense for.

Stuck on charities? SurveyMonkey launched our corporate responsibility program (SurveyMonkey for Good) in September of this year, though charitable giving has been in our DNA from the beginning. If you’re not sure where to send your new funds, consider a few of these places, which we choose to support.

There’s no better way to honor the spirit of the season than to do a little fundraising for an organization that really deserves it.

Let employees weigh in on their holiday benefits and perks

At SurveyMonkey, employees weigh in on everything from what major benefits we want to what types of snacks go in the kitchen. (Our Troop voted for catered meals over higher salaries, and elected yoga classes as a group activity.)  Apply the same process to your holiday employee engagement plans.

Ask employees:

  • Would you rather have a cash bonus or a new technology (e.g. iPad, Apple airpods, etc.)?
  • Should we host the holiday party at a restaurant, a winery, or in the office?
  • To which program should we make our annual donation?
  • Would you like to participate in the Secret Santa/White Elephant//charity walk/etc.?

You can also include an open-ended question asking employees to share a holiday memory or favorite song, and share the results with the whole team.

Day-to-day business operations don’t always leave much space for having fun or promoting good causes. The holiday season is the exception. Take advantage, and build gifts, giving, or community-building directly into your surveys. Your customers, employees, and survey recipients will thank you.

Corporate Social Responsibility programs give your whole organization something positive to rally around. Our free CSR survey lets you ask your employees what they think.