
SurveyMonkey is built to handle every use case and need. Explore our product to learn how SurveyMonkey can work for you.

Get data-driven insights from a global leader in online surveys.

Integrate with 100+ apps and plug-ins to get more done.

Build and customise online forms to collect info and payments.

Create better surveys and spot insights quickly with built-in AI.

Purpose-built solutions for all of your market research needs.


Measure customer satisfaction and loyalty for your business.

Learn what makes customers happy and turn them into advocates.

Get actionable insights to improve the user experience.

Collect contact information from prospects, invitees, and more.

Easily collect and track RSVPs for your next event.

Find out what attendees want so that you can improve your next event.

Uncover insights to boost engagement and drive better results.

Get feedback from your attendees so you can run better meetings.

Use peer feedback to help improve employee performance.

Create better courses and improve teaching methods.

Learn how students rate the course material and its presentation.

Find out what your customers think about your new product ideas.


Best practices for using surveys and survey data

Our blog about surveys, tips for business, and more.

Tutorials and how to guides for using SurveyMonkey.

How top brands drive growth with SurveyMonkey.

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Work on software engineering projects that drive proven impact

Get tools that will help you gather the insights you need to prioritise engineering work.

Man smiling with a screenshot of a circle graph and coloured bars behind him

As a software engineering leader, your time is valuable. It can be challenging to balance stakeholders and priorities. Does the engineering roadmap match the product or marketing roadmaps? Use the insights you gather from feedback to keep everyone on the same page, or leverage feedback to ensure that your organisation has what it needs in order to be successful.

How can we align ourselves with the company’s business-critical objectives?

There are never quite enough hours in the day for software engineering managers to get everything done. Meetings, deployments and deadlines are all vying for your attention. How do you ensure that you’re working on the things that are most impactful?

We can’t help you make more time, but we can help you save some. This toolkit will assist you in finding fast, easy solutions to keep up with industry trends, stakeholder feedback and competitor metrics.

How do I make sure our team is focused and effective?

In the current job market, you need to do everything you can to retain your talent. Are your employees happy? Are they looking for jobs elsewhere? Survey tools can help you measure employee satisfaction and engagement.

Is your team jumping straight to launch with a product before testing? Are you conducting retrospectives and learning ways to improve? This toolkit can help you find out where your process needs to be strengthened.

Our sample survey templates make it easy for you to start collecting feedback in just minutes. Explore hundreds of questions across different survey types, all designed to get you accurate results you can rely on.

Understand how users feel about a software implementation.

See template

Test your products with your sample audience before bringing them to market.

See template

Measure how effective your team is at working together to meet deadlines.

See template

Understand how visitors perceive your website and why they visit.

See template

Discover the user experience behind your mobile app and any areas of friction.

See template

Find out how customers feel about your products and services, quickly and easily.

See template

SurveyMonkey is not only easy to use, but it’s also the world’s leading survey platform and powerful enough to help you measure what matters.

Features to help you accomplish goals

Screenshot of four shapes icons with different-length bars next to each of them

Software requirements are constantly changing. Our features can help you pivot when you need to.

Integrations that make work easier

Icons of Microsoft Teams, Eventbrite, Zoom

Integrate your survey data with the apps you use every day.

Combine feedback with other business data to enhance the value of what you collect.

  • Send surveys to your team in your Microsoft Teams channel to get input on anything from meeting agendas to team satisfaction to retrospectives
  • Connect SurveyMonkey with hundreds of apps via Zapier to streamline your workflows
  • Get live feedback from your team with our Zoom integration

Data security when you need it most

Icon of a tick and a lock connected with a rectangle in the centre with SSO in it

Our platform is built to support transparency, security and data compliance.

  • Organisational data ownership available
  • Advanced user management, visibility and compliance
  • Deliver a seamless, secure user login experience with single sign-on via SAML 2.0 to maintain identity
  • Secure sharing of surveys and results with fine viewing and editing permissions

Here are some common mistakes and best practices for how to avoid them.

Red X shape in circle

Looking for ways to improve efficiency? Here are some things to avoid:

Don’t let enthusiasm lead to rushing a product launch before testing it with your target market.

Regularly check in with your team to ensure that they’re engaged in their work, or aren’t overwhelmed, to improve employee retention.

Keep up to date with industry trends, customer satisfaction and competitive analysis.

Honest feedback results in valuable change in engineering processes and product development.

Find out which trends could be affecting your customers or your team

Green tick in circle

Software engineering leaders offer these tips for saving time:

Deadlines may be looming, but don’t release a program with bugs or a product that isn’t ready for use.

Use surveys as an intake process for planning work, then ensure that the team sticks to a release schedule for engineering tasks.

Check in with your team on a weekly basis to see whether they have all the support they need to do their jobs successfully.

Find out what worked, what didn’t and opportunities for the future.

Get more survey tips

Woman holding up a blue sphere in one hand and a pink cube in the other

Ultimate Guides

From concept testing to competitive analysis, find out why market research is crucial.

Woman sitting with a laptop with thumbs up, two women smiling looking at a tablet and a man standing running away

Ultimate Guides

Get the playbook on building a customer-centric culture within your organisation.

Three women and a man helping to put together a tower of grey boxes


5 ways agile market research is revolutionising how companies get insights.

Get an individual plan with features that suit your needs, or create a team instead.

Learn more about our solutions and schedule a demo.

  • Manage multiple users and gain visibility into all survey data collected across your organisation with admin controls and dashboards.
  • Ensure that confidential data is protected with enhanced security, including encryption, SSO and features that help you remain compliant with HIPAA and GDPR.
  • Make feedback automated and actionable by connecting to key business systems using APIs and powerful integrations, including Salesforce, Marketo, Tableau and more.

Access more toolkits for a variety of roles