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Great training starts with information. But that isn’t possible without listening to your attendees, gauging their sentiments regarding the topic and assessing their comprehension levels.

By understanding how your employees are feeling, their current knowledge and what they could build on, you’ll be ready to deliver winning training sessions. Pre-training survey questions help tailor your materials to provide insightful, effective training.

Our pre-training survey form simplifies the process of collecting vital attendee data. We offer questions to help understand training preferences, whether or not you need special equipment and audience learning expectations. Collecting data about knowledge gaps can point you towards high-impact learning opportunities, helping you avoid redundancies and strive for better teaching.

Using the dynamic SurveyMonkey platform, you can easily customise the pre-training survey form to suit your needs. You’ll be able to configure every aspect of the template, generating comprehensive insights that make planning your training session a breeze. 

Whether you want to deliver the best training possible or are simply looking to gather more information about attendees at your next training session, SurveyMonkey has you covered.

We have so many powerful features to help you launch surveys quickly, but here are our most popular ones for new users.

Out-of-the-box themes, accessible colour palettes, custom fonts, branding and more.

Collect survey responses via email, website, SMS, social media, QR codes, offline and more.

Automatic results summaries, filters, custom dashboards, crosstab reports, text analysis and more.

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Dipendente delle risorse umane sorridente con un foglio di carta di mano mentre è in videochiamata sul laptop

HR leaders can use this toolkit to help drive exceptional employee experiences.

Una donna e un uomo che leggono un articolo sul laptop e prendono appunti su foglietti adesivi

Explore how to use British Social Attitudes Survey data to inform your approach to market research, customer experience, healthcare and brand voice.

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Discover how woom uses SurveyMonkey to launch multilingual surveys at scale, improve the employee experience and capture customer insights.