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Collecting your survey responses

Collecting your survey responses

Let’s say you’ve created your awesome survey (if you're not there yet, check out our top 10 tips on creating an online survey), and now it’s time to collect responses. SurveyMonkey offers multiple ways to send your survey, and we’re here to help you decide which one best meets your needs. Getting answers with SurveyMonkey is as easy as 1 (create) – 2 (collect) – 3 (analyze).

  • Many customers love this collector because it allows you to track which responses are associated with which email address. (Likewise, many prefer the next option because it’s anonymous.)
  • Save time by adding email addresses to your address book, so once you’ve added them, you can access them again quickly and easily.
  • Next, customize the message that will appear in the email body.
    Survey Tip: The email won’t come from your standard email address, so make sure you clearly explain who you are and the purpose of your survey here, then send.
  • Want to use your own email address (or post the survey in another medium all together)? This is one way to collect anonymous or confidential feedback (as long as you don’t ask for contact information within the survey itself) since this method does not allow you to track by individual response.
  • Just copy and paste the survey URL link into an email, a Tweet (Survey Tip: Want to Tweet your survey URL, but it’s too long? Shorten it at, your website, etc. Encourage your respondents to click away!
  • Our collect responses tool will generate an HTML code for you, which you can paste directly into the HTML of your website, blog, or other page to embed the survey directly on a page.
  • You also have the option to have the survey appear as a pop-up on the page.
  • Want to quickly and easily reach out to your most engaged fans? Embed your survey directly into  your Facebook Brand Page.
  • Survey Tip: You must have a SurveyMonkey account and be the admin of a Facebook page to collect surveys this way.
  • Why do all the work when professional survey methodologists have already done most of it for you? Customize one of our survey templates for even faster, easier surveying.
  • Who you ask is as important as what you ask. If your survey respondents don’t represent your target audience, then it doesn’t matter how good your data is—it’s basically worthless. Don’t have access to the survey respondents you’re looking for? We have a whole panel just waiting to answer your questions!
  • Want general tips on how to design an online survey guaranteed to give you great results? Check out our blog for more tips.