
SurveyMonkey is built to handle every use case and need. Explore our product to learn how SurveyMonkey can work for you.

Get data-driven insights from a global leader in online surveys.

Integrate with 100+ apps and plug-ins to get more done.

Build and customise online forms to collect info and payments.

Create better surveys and spot insights quickly with built-in AI.

Purpose-built solutions for all of your market research needs.


Measure customer satisfaction and loyalty for your business.

Learn what makes customers happy and turn them into advocates.

Get actionable insights to improve the user experience.

Collect contact information from prospects, invitees, and more.

Easily collect and track RSVPs for your next event.

Find out what attendees want so that you can improve your next event.

Uncover insights to boost engagement and drive better results.

Get feedback from your attendees so you can run better meetings.

Use peer feedback to help improve employee performance.

Create better courses and improve teaching methods.

Learn how students rate the course material and its presentation.

Find out what your customers think about your new product ideas.


Best practices for using surveys and survey data

Our blog about surveys, tips for business, and more.

Tutorials and how to guides for using SurveyMonkey.

How top brands drive growth with SurveyMonkey.

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SurveyMonkey and Zoom integration

Get more value from virtual meetings by making feedback part of your process.

Gather feedback from attendees to understand how to increase the effectiveness of your meetings.


Improve communication and connection between employees by bringing polls or surveys to meetings.

Easily survey a wide range of subjects with pre-built expert templates.

The SurveyMonkey Zoom integration is ideal for organisations looking to make virtual meetings more engaging and productive.

HR teams

  • Easily identify, prioritise and act on employee feedback during virtual meetings
  • Make virtual meetings more efficient by collecting structured feedback or questions from employees
  • Increase engagement by encouraging participation via surveys and polls, be it anonymous or otherwise
Zoom meeting with charts
Zoom meeting with surveys

People managers

  • Quickly identify, prioritise and act on team feedback 
  • Increase meeting engagement by encouraging team participation via quick surveys and polls
  • Ensure that team meetings continue to be effective and engaging

Customer teams

  • Gain quick insights from clients about their goals and objectives at the start of a call or meeting
  • Keep tabs on the quality of experiences you’re delivering to valued customers across the different touchpoints
  • Foster better customer relationships by tailoring service and support to their needs
Client experiences
Healthcare professional using survey Zoom integration

Healthcare professionals

  • Empower medical professionals to gather patient questions and concerns during telehealth appointments
  • Tailor telemedicine sessions based on patient feedback to deliver better experiences
  • Easily collect structured feedback from patients
70% of workers agree that feedback makes meetings better

70% of workers say that gathering input from meeting attendees would make meetings better*

Woman enclosed in circle graphic next to bar graph

Pro tip: Use SurveyMonkey within Zoom to share meeting outcomes with offline collaborators to save stakeholders' time.

67% of workers chart

67% of workers would find it extremely or very useful to gather employee feedback to inform what post-Covid meetings should be like*

We help companies get more context and value from their feedback data by tying it to critical business systems.

Explore how SurveyMonkey Enterprise and Zoom can help you gain actionable insights for improved productivity, happier employees and better outcomes.

Learn more about SurveyMonkey Enterprise and schedule a demo.

  • Make feedback automated and actionable by connecting to key business systems using APIs and powerful integrations, including Zoom, Salesforce, Tableau and more.
  • Manage multiple users and gain visibility into all survey data collected across your organisation with admin controls and dashboards.
  • Protect confidential data with enhanced security, including encryption, SSO and features that help you remain compliant with HIPAA and GDPR standards.

*Methodology: This SurveyMonkey online poll was conducted between 26 April and 4 May 2021 among a national sample of 8,485 adults in the U.S. Respondents for this survey were selected from the more than 2 million people who take surveys on the SurveyMonkey platform each day. The modelled error estimate for this survey is plus or minus 1.5 percentage points. Data have been weighted for age, race, gender, education and geography using the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey to reflect the demographic composition of the United States aged 18 and over.

Discover our survey features for individuals and teams.