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Learn what employees at your company think about the work environment and culture.

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If you work in HR or as a manager, you know that retaining top talent is difficult in a competitive work environment where employees value work culture as much as pay.  Consider that 41% of respondents who considered leaving their job stated that they wanted changes to engagement and culture, according to Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workforce report. Culture pulse surveys are short check-ins that can help you learn and respond to what employees at your company think about the work culture. 

Do employees feel that the work environment at your company is diverse and inclusive? Are the employees happy with the work culture? Do employees feel your company operates in a socially responsible manner?

Employee engagement pulse surveys can help you proactively respond to these challenges (and more) and improve the work environment. Pulse surveys are a shorter counterpart to annual surveys. They can be sent more frequently (every three to six months) to address current issues. And because of their short yet frequent nature, employees are more likely to complete a pulse survey. You can identify how to increase employee satisfaction and productivity, retain and attract talent and improve business productivity with a quick survey.

As employees become more conscientious and concerned about how their work has an impact on others, the culture that a company cultivates becomes increasingly important. Learn how your employees feel when you send them this online Culture Pulse Survey Template. Customise the questions if there is more you’d like to learn.

Environment survey template. Customise the questions if there is more you’d like to learn. Explore top solutions for HR teams to learn how to use feedback to shape what’s next for your workforce.

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Discover how woom uses SurveyMonkey to launch multilingual surveys at scale, improve the employee experience and capture customer insights.